Jet Solidaire is an apolitical and non-denominational company. Its solidarity partners are:

- the Fondation Caritas France, which is the first umbrella foundation and foundation of public utility dedicated to the fight against poverty and exclusion,

- the Fondation GoodPlanet from Yann Arthus-Bertrand, whose objectives are to put ecology and living together at the very centre of humanity's consciousness,

- the Fondation Les Avions du Bonheur which helps the less fortunate to go on holiday

- Aviation Sans Frontières which puts the means and skills of the aeronautical world at the service of the humanitarian aid

Fondation Caritas France
Fondation GoodPlanet
Fondation Les Avions du Bonheur

Jet Solidaire is part of the 'Entrepreneurs d'avenir' Network (Entrepreneurs of the Future), which aims to promote a new model for the company and society where competitiveness must be combined with respect for the individual, his well-being at work, ethical and social norms and environmental issues.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute demande d'information ou de cotation.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any information or for a price request.


Jet Solidaire - 16, rue Victor Hugo - 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux - France

E-mail :

Téléphone : +33 9 62 62 48 41


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